Thursday 4 April 2013


The last few weeks of school were hectic as you would expect with reports and what have you going out, the school sends out reports at the end of every term which is ok if you teach a few classes quite a lit of the time but, if you teach lots of classes once a week then it becomes quite hard work. Handily we didn't have it too bad, especially when compared to some. The last day of the term school finished at lunch and then after that we had a parents afternoon especially for boarders its a chance for parents to come and check up on their kids at the same time as they pick them up, as always talking to parents is quite fun talking to parents explains quite a bit about why the kids are like they are.

We've had another house event, primary football, again won by luano (our house) we are it seems very handy at football having won the secondary one as well. The primary football wasn't quite as high  standard a the secondary and even included some attempts at netball. It was getting quite loud with all the secondary's  cheering their house on and i don't think that all the primaries appreciated it but it was a good afternoon especially as we won. We also had a secondary house rugby event which Luano lost, and it rained quite heavily and it was rugby so i didn't see much of that, but what i did see suggested that most of the guys should stay clear of a profession in rugby.

In other sports news the girl u19 netball team came 3rd in the ISAZ (international schools association zambia)  competition in Lusaka which is a mighty effort for a small school.

Teaching has been going well, getting better relationships with pupils which makes things easier although it will take a while to build up as strong ones as were left behind when you've been teaching for 3 years at the same place, plus there is still a little bit of a wall up from some students which makes it hard. I think i have found all there is in the science lab and found any experiments that are about. But while there is a fair bit of equipment there is very few class practical's so, i've been making steps to rectify this buy buying and making some new experiment equipment.

Also the school needs to buy new PA equipment now it has a large hall and more people their old stuff isn't loud enough and has too little capacity for the number of people that it has to deal with so, i've been drawing up an equipment list as well for that, and it turns out its fun spending other peoples money! The school has put a amount of money side to buy PA Stuff and so its good to be able to put to use all those years of setting up PA systems and get them a decent set of equipment at a decent price.

Hopefully soon we'll get a newsletter out, if you've been following the blog then there really isn't going to be much new appear on that but if we can i'll try and attach it to the blog if i can remember how to!

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