everyone. So i know its been a while since we updated this which is bad of us.
whats happened since last blog in Jan? Well as the title suggests its rained a
lot, its definitely been a lot wetter here this year compared with last year,
and a lot more dull rainy days which remind us of home. Its quite often that we
have more than 20mm of rain in a night and its not uncommon to have more that
40 although thats only happened a handful of times. So, everywhere is wet, and
green. Its quite amazing really how the scenery changes in 6 months from now
towards the end (hopefully) of rainy season to 6 months time as the end of dry
season when everything is brown and nothing is growing. Apart from meaning we
seem to have wet feet often the rain is problems when it comes to the state of
the roads which are pretty bad between here and town. Its fine in day time when
you can see things coming but you nights are more alarming. Things aren't made
any easier by the standard of driving. A blind bend on the brow of a hill is
the favourite place to overtake in Zambia it seems.
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Very nice board room at Chambishi metals! |
we're talking about bad driving i best make a confession. On Sunday while on
the way to church i reversed in to a taxi.
Very little damage was done damage on our car was fixed in about
5 seconds by our personal panel beater (thanks Mr Studd) there car possibly was
bend before but who knows it was all sorted pretty quickly and hopefully that's
the last we hear of it. Oh i was avoiding being reversed in to by a truck,
in case you're wondering why i was going round town reversing in to things. The
truck would have resulted in more damage so, wasn't the worst thing i ever did.
also in motoring news Lucy went and got our fitness certificate (think MOT but
not really) last year i managed to get it without the car being seen, this year
the car was seen from a distance but no checks were done. Again we need to
thank Steve Studd with going with Lucy.
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Primary girls hanging round at crosscountry. |
school all is going as normal, its very busy and teaching a lot of classes
means its quite difficult to keep track on who is doing what. Lucy is doing
pretty much what she did last year with iGCSE PE instead of AS PE, she is also
helped by being able to organise herself.
had our first house event of the year in early feb and our house Luano
struggled, we won the girls netball but that was the lot. which came as a shock
to the guys after winning last year. In a few weeks we have our second event
involving baking, drawing and an air band!
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Waiting for medals at ISAZ cross country event |
girls football team came 3rd out of 8 ISAZ schools on the copperbelt and so
qualified to go to Chengelo next weekend for the national competition. They came
4th in the netball and also qualified. Unfortunately the boys didn't
qualify.... maybe next year!
had the ISAZ copperbelt cross country here a few weeks ago, Amano won both
girls and boys secondary competition but under 13's struggled. ZNBC came and
recorded some footage and interviewed some people for a program that went out
on Tuesday which was quite cool.
went with grade 11 and 12 chemistry students to a copper& cobalt plant
which is just down the road. From a chemistry point of view it was quite cool
to see this stuff happening on our door step and ite just so happened that i
was just covering extracting metals with grade 12 so it was good to see its not
just written about in Chemistry books.
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Girls & steve's bike! |
also started to take a few of the students to Steve and Muriel's for youth on a
sunday night, its a good opportunity for our pupils to get out and meet other
young people in Chingola as well as being a good opportunity for us to meet
with other people as well! The first time we went no one else turned up until
about 20 mins after we did, so we figured no one was coming but the girls were
kept entertained by looking at Steve's bike as well as pictures of other bikes
he's built!