So, its been ages since we last did a blog which is bad of us.... So sorry about that. We had a great time at christmas where we were staying at Phil and Hilda Cracknells house in Musenga (down the road from here) it was nice to be away from Amano for a while but in the end we were glad to be back home in our place and generally enjoying the noise of business next door in the girls dorm!
Mum and Dad at the Falls! |
Over Christmas we had Rich's Mum and Dad over to visit which was good as it'd been a year since we'd seen them. Plus it meant no one had an excuse to not buy us Christmas presents!! We (well to be honest Steve Studd drove as we all went down in his mini bus!) took them from the airport down to Livingstone to see the falls and went an bit further by adding in a trip to Botswana for a day trip to Chobe game park which was very cool. Its always good to see the falls and just marvel at Gods amazing creation but, it is a long drive so we're done on trips to the falls for a few months!
We didn't have any power for the 2 days before Christmas so Lucy iced the Christmas cake by candle light. It was a little frustrating as the temperature on a fridge full of food ready for Christmas rose. We managed to keep it all cool by borrowing other people's fridges and kept our food waste down low.
Lucy making icing Snowman for Christmas cake by tourchlight |
On Christmas we had a house full with everyone who was still at amano over for the day. Quite a few have left or went back home for the holiday but it was nice to have a group of people together for the day. It was very hot while cooking food and we ate it amongst a plague of flies and as we finished eating it started raining but it was still warmer than a normal Christmas day (for English people that is).
We started school on the 6th having had staff day on the 3rd so were straight in to it after the new year which after the whole of december off we were actually quite looking forward to. So far term has been going ok. Lucy's been to a few sporting fixtures around the place and Rich is getting used to having 5 different subjects to 4 different years on his timetable including all 3 sciences to final year GCSE students.
We've just got results in for iGCSE and AS level students from last year they were generally as predicted and so people are happy on the whole. The student Rich was teaching AS physics to got an A as predicted and the student that Lucy was teaching AS PE to got a B which was well above what was predicted so we're both quite happy that our work last year wasn't wasted on those 2 at least!
Hopefully we'll manage our next blog a little sooner now school is in session there is a little more going on round the place.