Secondary Students waiting at the finishing line. |
So, We're now almost 2 terms in, we've just one week to go until we're done, so, we're getting a little tired! We had sports day today which was hectic but a really great day, it was held on a saturday to help more parents to come and there were quite a few about which was really good. It is still amazing to see how talented the Amano students are and there were 2 scouts from the local athletics club who were very impressed with what they saw which was good. Its not exactly ideal to work the last saturday before a break as everyone is tired but, its a really good witness to see how well the pupils behave and get to events and to see how well the event is run, its good to be able to put on events in the school and do them to the best of our ability all for the glory of God! (which it says in the bible somewhere - although i don't think they were talking specifically about doing sports days!)
Primary variety race |
Rich was in charge of high jump which seems to be his athletics event after doing the same event at the ISAZ primary 10steps event last month. And Lucy was in charge of putting on the whole primary event so was kept rather busy. Sports day was ran as a house event and Luano (our house) won, which was obviously very good for us!
Primary results |
Other things that have gone on, we now have our permanent zambian driving licence, which is card type thing that looks much the same as the UK one, but its green as this is Zambia! So we don't need to go and get a stamp on our temporary one anymore which is good news, and its handy as it fits in wallet/purse rather than just being a crumpled up bit of paper.
A few weeks ago we had Amano's first careers week which seemed to go very well, we had a careers fair on the tuesday afternoon where students could talk to representatives from different careers to find out what does on. And then on Thursday afternoon the grade 11's (year 10) went and did work experience at various places in town. A few were more like being given a tour of a place where people worked but it was a good experience anyway, and Rich took a few to the Protea hotel and had to stay there for the afternoon while they were busy. It just so happened that the cricket was on so, he sat in the bar and watched day 1 of the Lords test on the TV while drinking a coffee i should add!
Students at the protea (after their work experience visit was officially over)
We've only 1 week to go until the holidays, we've got a few things planned and have Rich's Grandad and Uncle coming out onthe 24th of August so, we'll be taking them about the place at the end of the holidays which we're both looking forward to.
Hope that everything is going well with everyone who is reading this! and the weather is still good with you!