So things move on and on, developments in the last 3 weeks are.....Got a lot of things jabbed in our arms, this time Rich didn't faint which was an advantage. We're all good against yellow fever and rich is 2 out of 3 down for Hep B... or A... one of them anyway it says in our vaccination book so don't worry about us getting the wrong one! Turns out that yellow fever is expensive to be vaccinated against, £60 ish each and we don't even need it for Zambia, just if we ever have to go to South Africa (where we'd go in a medical emergency) from Zambia then we need it so, hopefully we never need it! In other news, Echoes are happy to add us to their short term list which we kinda thought would happen but, its good to have it confirmed. This is good news as we get added to their prayer list which is good as we need prayer... lots of prayer, also it means they help us with sorting out finances, they will forward any money on to us from gifts that people give us, plus they'll gift aid it and do all that without a charge which is good news for us.
We're about to send some boxes out to Zambia via MMN School (thomas gainsbrough) where Rich works have donated some old power supplies which we're sending out as well as some books that we've got that we'll use for teaching out there and then hopefully will people who come there after us, so hopefully it gets there within a few weeks of us. As the books are useful, for our teaching.
Our house will soon be put on the rental market, so if anyone is after a 2 bed house near the west suffolk hospital then let us know!
Tomorrow We're off up to Glasgow for our mission orientation program at Tilsley college which is in motherwell, we'll be staying with old friends of the Cornelius family the parks so Lucy is excited to be seeing those guys again. We're there til sat eve, when we head down to carlisle and then the rest of the way on sun morning. Rich is hoping to be back in time for the F1 but, not sure that'll happen!