Sunday, 15 July 2012

things progress, slowly!

So, we now have our new shiny passports so, now we need to finish off filling in form 23 (Zambian Immigration form) and then we can send all our stuff off and get our work visa for Zambia sorted out which will be great. Hopefully Church has been in contact with Echoes, Brian is away at Keswick so, we won't be able to speak to him until mid august i don't think which will be a bit later than ideal so, hopefully he's sorted all that out. That will mean that we will need to go and get our medical which is the next thing. I can't see we'll have any problems with that, then we just have to sort out our house! Hopefully someone from church will want to rent out our house but if not we'll rent it via an agent and just hope that we get someone decent in! Also need to start to sort our mission pitch type thing so we can actually tell people what we're doing and why we're doing it, nothing need to happen soon but, thats a job for after next week when we're on summer holidays!

in other news my phone has gone to the fixing shop, it works fine but, doesn't recharge so, hopefully they fix that soon enough should be 2 weeks. We'll see what they say!