Sunday, 30 December 2012
Big Day Today
We're off after church this morning, we're sorry if we didn't ever get round to saying goodbye to you personally, if you're offended by this then you'll just have to head to zambia to visit! (the offfer also extends to anyone as long as you let us know!)
Since last blog, Rich had his last day at school, which was a weird day, everyone was saying have a happy Christmas while to rich it was have a nice time in africa, they got me a stoke city shirt with crouch 25 on the back because they all call him crouch even the pupils tho not generally pupils don't call rich that to his face.
Our house is now clean and empty, something that definately wasn't the case when we wrote our last blog, Thats to our wonderful family which includes Henry we managed to mainly clear the house out on the 22nd and then we spend a few days after christmas doing a final clean and final move. It was a very traditional affair, with Men in charge of lifting things and Women in charge of making it clean.
Christmas was great, having a few days to have a break was just what we needed although we could have done with a few more days, it was great to see all the family before we go being in both Cornelius family and Miles family was really great and we know that we are very blessed/ lucky/ what ever word you want to use to have such great families who support us in what we're doing and are just great fun to be with.
Any way that'll do for now, we've got to leave at 8:30 so we can meet corneliuses at Rich's Sisters house at 9 and pack both cars then get breakfast then go to church then off to heathrow!
Sunday, 16 December 2012
2 weeks to go
So in the last few weeks heaps of stuff has happened. We've sold out car which was great as it was very easy Simon williams dad needed one so he's got our one now, last i heard it was all working fine so, hopefully that continues.
We've got new and not warped doors fitted which is good although probably more handy to our tenant who we've got and will move in to our house on the 4th of jan so 5 days after we fly off. Which is great timing which lets be honest shouldn't be a surprise to anyone who knows anything about Gods timing! In slightly less ideal house news, the boiler guy came and issued out landlord certificate saying that it doesn't throw out any nasty carbon monoxide and it doesn't but, it does have a leak so we need a new heat exchanger which hopefully we're getting installed on Tuesday, which is not too bad but could do without that costign £300 just now but, hey these things happen.
We've started to pack, we've 2 bags packed at 20ish kg's so we've only another 4 bags to go.... plus a few as hand luggage. Next saturday is the day we pack up our house which will be sad, but it'll be good to get it packed up and sorted a week before we head off and packed away before christmas.
Sunday, 25 November 2012
Packing up!

Other things that we've done in the last 3 weeks. Had a great time up at our Mission orientation program course up in motherwell, it challenging especially sitting in lectures again! but really useful getting information and thinking about possible challenges and how to overcome them. We were also able to meet up with the Parks who are old friends of the Cornelius family from their time in zambia. I just sat back while Lucy and Rhona suddenly transformed from English to African.
Our house has been on the rental market for about 10 days so far, we've had a few people look round our house so far hopefully we'll manage to get it rented out shortly, Given that we've only just over a month until we fly out its time to start telling people we're leaving phone, broadband, gas, electricity etc... hopefully that will all go smoothly.
There is lots going on in the next month as we lead up to christmas and to our departure, which is both exciting and scary, we'll try to keep you updated with how we're getting on!
Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Saturday, 6 October 2012
only 3 months to go!
25th november at 6pm is nitelife ex Zambia special, will involve curry, talk on mission and me and lucy talking about Zambia and what we'll be doing.
In 3 months time this will hopefully be a more interesting with more pictures and more information about what we're doing in Zambia!
Wednesday, 12 September 2012
update - 4months and counting
So, we're now down to under 4 months until we head out to Zambia, We've filled in even more forms and echoes now has one of them and will decide if they're happy to support us next month after their trustees meeting, We've had a estate agent in to look at our place and value it for rental and it turns out they said about what we thought which was good. During the summer we had a week at Sizewell at summer madness a week in Devon with the miles family and another week at sizewell helping with over 50's. Also last weekend was Reubens dedication, the little chap is bigger than he was only 2 weeks earlier and its weird to think that he's already 7months old.
Saturday is Bekah's wedding so all is go for that should be all good when that is done then we can start on the last bits we need to get done before we head out.
Sunday, 15 July 2012
things progress, slowly!
in other news my phone has gone to the fixing shop, it works fine but, doesn't recharge so, hopefully they fix that soon enough should be 2 weeks. We'll see what they say!
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
From lucys tablet
This is a post from lucy's tablet. Things are good, church are happy with us going to zambia which was good to have confirmed. Now just waiting for passports and stuff so we can get copies sent out so we can get visa's. Also got a quote for flights to zambia about £800 for 2single tickets leaving on 2nd jan 2013! Don't know if we'll leave that day but it'll be some time around then. Its a little scary that its about 6 months until we neef to be packed up and ready to go! Sure it'll all be fine!
Saturday, 2 June 2012
Off to Italy
Rich's off to Italy this afternoon off on a football tour with school which seems slightly unfair seeing as Lucy is the football coach and one who is good at football but hey rich does have to sit on a bus for 24ish hours which he's not designed for.
In other news things are growing in the garden tomatoes potatoes carrots courgettes runner beans onions are all growing away so we're on our way to emulating the good life.
Ammo stuff seems to be going well all applications are off and so hopefully we'll soon get an official letter saying that they're accepting us. Hopefully soon meeting with elders at church to sort out support and commendation from them which i hope will be ok. Once that happens it really will seem real and scary. School have already stated to timetable Rich out of next year so, what ever he'll have a bizarre 1st term of next yr
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Things start moving
It seems that things are moving on. We've spent this evening filling in the first set of amano application forms. They seem pretty long winded but that's the way it goes.
Monday, 9 April 2012
Lake district.
Just got back from a few days in the lake district. Greeted by snow and wind when we arrived and it was freezing. Wednesday was sunny but windy and cold. Drove from ambleside to keswick and then back and around coniston. Thursday we drove to windermere and walked round there. Then down to frodsham and visited Leon and Victoria